Revitalization of industrial developments in Jinja Municipality.
The goal of this research is to analyze the challenges and recommend a path toward the revitalization of the industrial developments in Old Jinja Industrial area in to a more vibrant industrial area. Several methods of data collection were used in gathering information and these included literature review, mapping, observation and interviews. The key stake holders in the research process included the Technocrats such as Physical planner JMC, Town Clerk JMC, Lands Supervisor JMC, the industrialists, politicians and the neighboring residents of the Jinja Old Industrial Area.
This industrial decline was caused by several factors such as the 1972 expulsion of over 32.000 Ugandan Asian of British Citizenship by Idi Amin, the civil war in 1970-1980, decentralization policy and the liberalization policy. This industrial decline has several factors such as decline in the economic development of JMC, decline in the land Values and loss of employment with subsidiary effects such as high crime rates.
The major challenges to the revitalization of industrial developments in the Jinja Old Industrial area include the land ownership and management, the declining economy of JMC, existence of several industrial areas all over the country and low levels of public sector involvement in industrialization.
This research report consists of FIVE CHAPTERS. Chapter one consists of the introduction and background, Chapter Two consists of the literature review, Chapter Three consists of the research methodology, Chapter Four presents the Field Findings and lastly Chapter Five concludes the report and includes the necessary recommendations.