Influence of “let’s explore Uganda” initiative on promotion of domestic tourism
The study was carried out on the "Influence of “let’s explore Uganda” initiative on promotion of domestic tourism"
The objectives were to examine the extent to which stakeholders understand “let’s Explore Uganda” initiative, to evaluate the achievement and challenges in implementing the initiative for domestic tourism promotion’s.
Data were collected using both primary and secondary sources. In primary sources, questionnaires and interviews were used while secondary sources were the internet/ social media platforms related to the case study, Data were analyzed in SPSS.
The study has revealed that influence of “LETS EXPLORE UGANDA”initiative on the promotion of domestic tourism in Uganda has been a new initiative and it has worked out and it will continue to work basing on the stakeholders efforts towards the initiative.
It is concluded that Let's explore Uganda has been successful so far and it is a government campaign that is aimed at promoting the tourism industry in Uganda and therefore the initiative has been very important in the industry because it has led to the development of many tourism cites as well as the identification of other destinations.
It is recommended that the challenges of let’s explore Uganda the initiative should put in much effort to collaborate with non-government organizations in order to raise enough funds to run the initiative.