The role of online platforms in assessing customer satisfaction. A case study of Mweya Safari Lodge
The purpose of the study was to assess the role of online platforms as a tool for evaluating customer satisfaction in Mweya Safari Lodge. The objectives of the study were to identify and describe the use of online platforms at Mweya Safari Lodge, to assess customer satisfaction through online platforms of Mweya Safari Lodge and to assess measures put in place to enhance customer satisfaction at Mweya Safari Lodge. The study eventually found out that the Mweya Safari Lodge uses Facebook, You tube, Website, Trip Advisor, Instagram, twitter and linked in as its major online platforms for communication. It was also stressed that most of the clients of Mweya Safari Lodge visit online platforms daily. The study also stressed that Mweya Safari Lodge enlighten customers when it comes to promotion of new products by offering discount, mobilizing people to come and see them and through showing the new products online for to the customers. Lastly the study come up with measures to enhance customer satisfaction which include providing quality products and services, The lodge provides online feedback to its customers, good working relationship with clients, employing trained workers from recognized institutions and using a language understood to every client.