Analysis of the challenges of learning oil painting at the Margaret Trowel School of Industrial and Fine Art.
This research analyzed the challenges of learning oil painting at the MTSIFA. Oil painting is a
very sensitive area that needs utmost care when dealing with it. As a painter you must fully
understand the basics involved in oil paint..
It was based on the following objectives which include; to analyze different challenges of
learning oil painting faced by second year students at MTSIFA, to analyze the applicability,
availability and accessibility of tools and materials used in oil painting. to find out the possible
solutions towards the above challenges oil learning oil painting at MTSIFA.
It was based on the particular methods the researcher presented in obtaining the written data
which were; questionnaire, observation and focus group discussion methods.
This research contained the presentation of findings which include, the summary of respondents
by age group, the categories of respondents by gender, the responses on how many students are
pursuing oil painting in the class of 2017-2018, Lecturers attendance to students, The ways how
lecturers conduct the class, the responses on number of paintings executed per semester, the
different artistic challenges of learning oil painting, the causes of the above challenges, the
places of acquisition of the respondents’ tools and material, the responses on what price rate
students’ buy the tools and materials used in oil painting, challenges faced by students in the
application of the tools and materials, the responses on the possible solutions.
It also contained analyzed data collected from questionnaires and discussions. Various plates and
figures can also be viewed as well.
This research also contained the presentation of recommendations and conclusions; and also a
presented sample of the questionnaires used during data collection can be viewed here.
In conclusion, if the research is properly put into practice challenges of learning oil painting will
be solved and qualitable works will be produced by the class of year 2017-2018 and ultimately
improve on the standards of art school in particular the oil painting department.