Hazardous waste transportation in Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital
Improper medical waste management can cause environmental problems like it may lead to transmission of diseases for example typhoid, and cholera that may be through injuries from sharps contaminated with human blood. It is important to manage medical wastes in a proper manner to avoid health risks and damage to environment.
The aim study was to promote safety of personnel and general public from exposure to health care waste. The study was guided by specific objectives as follows: to assess the state of training among medical transporters, to evaluate medical waste transportation equipment for MRRH, and to assess the level of adherence to standard operating procedures for medical waste transportation. An observation checklist and interview tool were used to collect data
It was found out that the personnel involved in waste transportation had the necessary training in driving as it was required by the law. The transporter also had a valid licence with required class for driving heavy goods vehicles. The study also revealed that the personnel used almost complete personal protective equipments including overalls, protective gumboots and gloves.
The personnel involve in waste transportation had attained specialised training in handling medical waste and was found to used personnel protective equipment’s, hard proper understanding of spillage handling and proper understanding of medical waste in occupational exposure. Further, more the vehicle used for transporting medical waste lacked provision for priority passage like siren. This could imply that the vehicle would delay on its way while in transit.
The hospital should institute regular training and education to all workers including the newly introduced staff and the private waste management company (GLC) workers. Proper training is necessary to develop awareness of health, safety, and environment issues. Medical wastes should be transported in a suitable dedicated leak-proof vehicle. They should be clearly marked and regularly cleaned.