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dc.contributor.authorWasswa, Derrick
dc.identifier.citationWasswa, Derrick. (2021). Development of a weight recording system that automatically loads the left-over foods' quantity into a linked online platform for animal farmers to access. (Unpublished undergraduate dissertation) Makerere University; Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionThis final project report is submitted to the College of Engineering, Design Art and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis project was aimed at building an online web-based system that will enable animal farmers access left-over foods for their animals by placing an order online. In this project, a weight recording system was programmed to send the weights of the left-over foods to an online platform so that farmers interested in buying left-over food can know the exact quantity of leftover food available for them to buy. The development of this online web-based system was based on using programming languages: HTML, CSS and PHP. The weight recording system was achieved by using an Arduino and Ethernet shield and load cell and HX711 sensor. The weight recording system was tested and checked for if the measured weights were successfully updated on the online system and it did. In the online platform, we developed two interlinked websites: one for the restaurant administrator and the other for the customer animal farmers. On the restaurant administrator website, the restaurant administrator will be able to login and then upload images of the available left-over food on the online website including the weights of these foods and this data will be updated on the home page of the customer website. In this way, animal farmers will be able to have visual evidence of the left-over foods they want to order. The success achieved of the weight recording system will save the restaurant administrators from manually measuring the changing weight of left-over foods since the load cell sensor and Arduino will do the work of measuring the left-over food quantity and sending this quantity on an online platform. In the scope of this project, we covered one restaurant but it can be extended to cover more restaurants and even secondary schoolsen_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectWeight recording systemen_US
dc.subjectLeft-over foods' quantityen_US
dc.subjectOnline platformen_US
dc.subjectAnimal farmersen_US
dc.titleDevelopment of a weight recording system that automatically loads the left-over foods' quantity into a linked online platform for animal farmers to access.en_US

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