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dc.contributor.authorOwomugisha, Lishian
dc.identifier.citationOwomugisha, L. (2022).Production of potassium hydroxide from banana peels. (MakUD) (Unpublished undergraduate dissertation) Makerere University, Kampala, Ugandaen_US
dc.descriptionResearch project report submitted to the department of chemistry, Makerere University in a partial fulfilment of the award of bachelor's degree in industrial chemistryen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study takes a look at making use banana peels for the production of potassium hydroxide (KOH). Combustion of banana peels into ashes was done to enhance the extraction of potassium carbonate from the ashes. The potassium carbonate was caustified into potassium hydroxide by reacting it with calcium hydroxide to precipitate carbonates as calcium carbonate. The produced potassium hydroxide had a concentration of 2.520gdm-3 with purity of 84.89%. Potassium hydroxide was then characterized so that it can be compared with commercially produced potassium hydroxide and was found to have similar characteristics in terms of physical appearance, pH, purity and melting point.en_US
dc.publisherLishian Owomugishaen_US
dc.subjectBanana peelsen_US
dc.subjectPotassium hydroxideen_US
dc.titleProduction of potassium hydroxide from banana peelsen_US

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