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dc.contributor.authorOine Rukundo, Sophia
dc.identifier.citationOine, R. S. (2022 . Performance evaluation of a mobile water purification system. ( MakUD) ( Unpublished undergraduate dissertation) Makerere University, Kampala, Ugandaen_US
dc.descriptionA project report submitted to the Department Of Chemistry in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Bachelor Degree of Science in Industrial Chemistry of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study was set out to investigate the performance of a mobile and solar-powered water purification system. The device was applied on drinking water sources containing a number of microorganisms and the survival rate analyzed. Water sampling and fieldwork Water sources considered to be representative of available water sources in tropical Africa were selected from Lugoba area, Kawempe division, Kampala district. At each water source, water was drawn. Water samples for laboratory analyses of physico-chemical properties were collected directly into clean jerrycans. The containers were first rinsed using the water from the source being sampled, then the water sample collected and tightly sealed and labeled in the field. The Electrical conductivity (μS cm−1) was determined. The pH was determined in situ. Samples for microbial analyses were collected for water physicochemical properties analysis, but using a thoroughly washed and sterilized glass bottles with a capacity of 10ml. 21 3.4.2 Laboratory analysis of the samples. The pH was measured using a pH meter. Electrical conductivity was measured using EC meter. The load of total coliform bacteria and E. coli contamination was determined by direct plate count method. For the total plate count, the medium was non-selective and contained the following ingredients; tryptone, yeast extract, dextrose(glucose), agar with final pH (at 25°C) of 7.0 ± 0.2. It was dissolved in 1l of distilled water and shaken to dissolve. The plate was heated to dissolve components completely before autoclaving. A sample of good quality containing a low bacterial count was generated from the impure sample that contains large numbers of bacteria, which were diluted to obtain countable plates. For this dilution, 1.0ml portion of water sample was added to a blank containing 9mL of sterile diluent which resulted in a 10mL fold dilution of the sample. Stepwise dilution was continued through additional dilution bottles till the 10-4 . The sample transferred to the petri plate, the melted, cooled agar was poured into it and mixed thoroughly with the agar. Petri plates were set on a level surface. When cooled, incubated at 30°C in an inverted position. The colonies were counted and recorded. (Harry W. Seeley, 1990) For total coliforms and E. Coli Violet Red Bile agar plates were used. Of the media, 38.5g were suspended in 1l of distilled water. It was then boiled for complete dissolution. It was then cooled to 50°C and well mixed before pouring.The results analysis obtained have shown that most of the water sources in this area do not conform to some the UNBS standards for potable water exception of a few parameters. This being a representative of Uganda is evidence that there is lack of safe and sanitary water supply hence the reason the population may suffer from water-borne diseases. This is supported by the fact that water-borne diseases are as a result of consumption of polluted water containing pathogenic microorganisms whose origin may be from human and animal feces. It is therefore highly recommended that the water from these sources be treated or boiled before it is used for domestic purposes. With access to improved potable water sources or supply and water treatment services, improved basic sanitation facilities like access to excreta disposal facilities, this can drastically reduce biological contamination of drinking water, hence prevention of water borne diseases, thus leading to better health, lessening poverty, and more so improved social and economic growth. Nonetheless, Uganda faces numerous obstacles to achieving these objectives, including mismanagement of public funds, natural disasters, chronic political conflicts, disparities in urban-rural settings, and rapid population growth.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectMobile and solar powered water purification systemen_US
dc.subjectPhysicochemical parametersen_US
dc.subjectMicrobial contaminantsen_US
dc.titlePerformance evaluation of a mobile water purification systemen_US

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