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dc.contributor.authorAwor, Florence Loy
dc.identifier.citationAwor, F.L. (2022). Imagery in folktales among the Jopadhola (Unpublished undergraduate dissertation). Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the department of Literature, Languages and Communication Skills, in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the award of the degree of Bachelor of Arts with Education of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe case study here in presents the analysis on imagery in the selected jopadhola folktales exhibiting how they are employed in different folktales that are to be looked in later chapters, their relevancy and effectiveness in the lives of the jopadhola. It is of importance for the jopadhola and other related cultures to have knowledge about their traditions and things that come along with it like the folktales that all cultures have regardless the their settings and can e comprehended in relation to their life experience and how valuale it is when it comes passing on the morals and traditional beliefs to the young generation. Participatory observation is one the effective method that is being used in the case study. During this, both the researcher and those giving data contributes in a way that the researcher gets engaged in some parts where there is need when the foltale is being told but leading the session to the direction that gives the required information and at the same taking up the role of gathering the information that is from the told folktale. The researcher here in also employs oral interview for further collection of data, this creates a platform for the interviewer and the interviewee to have ample time of interaction as delatailed informantion about the imagery in folktale among the jopadhola is gathered. This research and the end is of great benefit to both the jopadhola community and other cultures more especially those that take folktale as of much important as any other tradional elements or customes. Not only is it of value to them but also to the scholarly work of literature at large. The selected folktales in this study is analysed to bring out the imageries and how they are employed. This is latere done by categorizing the imageries and then giving examples from the folktales in each. The study is realy of great value in a way of providing knowledge about imageries in folktaleen_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.titleImagery in folktales among the Jopadholaen_US

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