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dc.contributor.authorGuma, Mark Paul
dc.identifier.citationGuma Mark P. (2022). An electronic online banking system. Unpublished undergraduate dissertation, Makerere Universityen_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the School of Statistics and Planning in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Statistics of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractCustomers/ clients of commercial banks at times face a number of difficulties that arise from the mode through which these banks avail the services they offer to their clients that is, customers of banks that employ a manual banking system that is one that requires a customer to physically be present in the bank to access some basic services like withdrawing and depositing cash, opening accounts and so on face a number of difficulties such as bureaucracy in accessing these services, standing in long queues, limited access to resource due to time constraints, geographical constraints and also high cost incurred for transportation to and from the banks. The purpose for carrying out this study is to develop and online web based banking system that can solve some of these problems by providing unlimited access of some basic bank services to customers through their mobile gadgets like phones laptops etc. The system was designed using PHP, HTML, and is web based as it can be access by any device capable of connecting to the internet, system is also menu driven making if easy to work with especially for the bank clients. MySQL software was also used to create databases to store client information. System also has levels of security that guarantee safety of customer assets or money. As a result of my study I discovered that an electronic banking system would be highly superior to a manual system as it provides unlimited access to cash for its customers (24/7), timely delivery of services to bank clients, reduced transaction costs, and also save money on transportation costs that would be incurred for travelling to the bank to access its services and as a result many clients would prefer such a system as it simply makes their lives easy.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectCommercial banksen_US
dc.subjectElectronic online banking systemen_US
dc.titleAn electronic online banking systemen_US

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