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dc.contributor.authorNakimuli, Julian Carol
dc.identifier.citationNakimuli, Julian Carol. (2023). Evaluation of the demand and supply of pedestrian facilities at Makerere University. (Unpublished undergraduate Research Report) Makerere University; Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the department of Geomatics and Land Management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a degree Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study of the assessment of the demand and supply of pedestrian facilities in Makerere University is due to the fact that most of the people in the University are pedestrians. Walking is the commonest activity in the University. Th e number of pedestrians reaches over twenty thousand (20,000) pedestrians on weekdays entering through the various entry points in the University and these include the Main gate, Eastern gate, Western gate, Wandegeya Small gate and Kikumi – Kikumi gate. With the objectives of the Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) Policy under the Kampala City Road Safety Strategy (RSS) 2021 to 2030, pedestrians are put under consideration in all road construction projects to ease their use of the different road facilities and ensure their safety. Makerere University has tried to have a steady supply of pedestrian facilities with over fifty-eight (58) official pedestrian routes in the premises as of today. To assess the comfort levels of the different facilities in the university, the study was based on different ten (10) parameters like Average Flow, Average Pedestrian Area Occupancy, width of the facility, lighting at night, presence of information signs, security, surface condition, pedestrian – car conflict, maintenance and absence of obstacles. This was on a rating of PLOS A to E using standards. On the assessment of the PLOS or comfort of the facilities to the pedestrians, it was observed that the lighting, information signs, security and the condition of the unofficial routes were the main issues lacking that needed attention. The official routes were used by pedestrians but also the unofficial routes are also commonly used because the pedestrians perceive that they save travel time and distance. This led to proposal for improvements to the pedestrian facilities that improve their condition and ensure the comfort as they are used by the pedestrians in Makerere University. Key Words: Pedestrians, pedestrian facilities, PLOS, Makerere University, parameters, mappingen_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectDemand and supplyen_US
dc.titleEvaluation of the demand and supply of pedestrian facilities at Makerere Universityen_US

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