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dc.contributor.authorMpindi, Ashiram
dc.identifier.citationMpindi, Ashiram. (2023). Design and construction of a tyre pressure monitoring system. (Unpublished undergraduate Project Report) Makerere University; Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA project report submitted to the College of Engineering Design and Art in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractSince the discovery of tyres, improvement is being done in tyres of a vehicle on a regular basis for its improved life and its role in increasing vehicle safety. Tyre pressure monitoring and maintenance in vehicles is an important task because the reduction in tyre pressure of the vehicles results in reduced fuel efficiency, leads to long term wear in tyres that results in the replacement of tyres within a short span of usage. Various systems have been introduced to improve the life span of the tyres through checking up on the air pressure inside tyres. This project proposal provides an insight on a proposed Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), as the name suggests, the system monitors the tyre pressure of a vehicle and displays the results on the dashboard along with alerts in case of a deviation from the set value. The proposed design of the Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) in this project proposal will be a retrofittable unit for mostly sedans without an inbuilt pressure sensing system. The design will consist of a pressure sensor, a receiver, a microcontroller, a display unit and an alarm system. The TPMS unit will display real-time pressure and a warning will be generated when the tyre pressure crosses the set threshold values. The project proposal has three chapters which include; Chapter one of this project proposal is the Introduction to the proposal which includes the introduction to the problem being solved, a problem statement of what is actually being solved, the objectives for carrying out the project, a scope, significance and justification. Chapter two is the Literature Review which contains work related to this project done by other people, gaps in the field, improvements being done, current research related to the project in question and benchmarking. All work in this chapter will be cited to acknowledge the writers and researchers whose work is being referred to. Chapter three is the methodology which explains how to achieve the set objectives in chapter one. It includes the tools to be used, techniques of data collection and analysis. Each specific objective will have a method of doing it. The other sections are; Appendices which will have the budget, activity plan with a Gantt chart and the References section where all work that will be cited during the other chapters will be.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectTyre Pressure Monitoringen_US
dc.titleDesign and construction of a tyre pressure monitoring system.en_US

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