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dc.contributor.authorKiyemba, Andrew Joram
dc.contributor.authorMuhangi, Adrone
dc.contributor.authorNatumanya, Naboth
dc.contributor.authorAine, Mickie Kevin
dc.identifier.citationKiyemba, A.J et al (2023) Smart Computing (Unpublished dissertation). Kampala: Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThis final year project report introduces a smart commuting platform which enables commuters to meet commuter vehicles online. The platform is bound to solve the identified problem which is to minimize the traffic in central division of Kampala. The purpose of the study is to be able to displace traffic from taxi parks, bus stops and other commuter gathering stations. A user interface (UI) was implemented and provides users with accesstovirtual commuterstagesandcommutervehiclestodesiredroutes and on the other hand show the drivers available commuter pools among other great functionalities. We successfully implemented the platform to meet most of our goals like creating virtual stages, virtual pools and many others as mentioned in the report. We highly recommend our platform as it won’t only solve reduce on congestion and traffic in our country but also improve computer science as a discipline, reduce on resource wastage greatly and more. In conclusion, the relevance of this study is to reduce traffic and congestion in urban centers effectivelyen_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.titleSmart Computingen_US

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