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dc.contributor.authorKabagambe, George
dc.identifier.citationKabagambe, G. (2015). Project Report about Geologic Mapping carried out in Igayaza, Isingiro District, Western Uganda. (Mak UD). (Unpublished Project Report). Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of a Bachelor of Science Degree in Petroleum Geoscience and Production of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe Geologic mapping exercise project was carried out in Igayaza area, Isingiro District about 30 KM South of Mbarara town, Southwestern Uganda with a major aim of acquiring geologic mapping skills ad techniques as a requirement for a future geologist. The mapping area E is within the Karagwe Ankolean system of rocks which is the northern most extension of Kibaran mobile belt. The Igayaza synclinorium is a South Westerly plunging fold in the Karagwe –Ankolean rocks of south west Uganda. The study was mainly based on surface geological mapping and field interpretation of samples collected in area E. The lithology comprises of the thin arenaceous formations that are predominated by a quartzites while the thick argillaceous formations constitute of shales. Other rock units in area E include the conglomerates and the breccia though not mappable. The quartzites are mainly found at the ridge summits while the shales are found along the slopes of ridges and in valleys between ridges resulting in a region of rugged topography. The study area exhibits bedding and faults as the major structures according to their extent relative to the used scale. The topography is hilly with flat ridges and valleys giving the area a poor drainage pattern. This has led to the scarcity of water and thus the linear human settlement pattern. Economic activities carried out include quarrying of quartzites, cattle keeping on a small scale and agriculture. The area has no potential for petroleum simply because the rocks are not fossiliferous . This report is of a detailed geologic study of study area E, and a cover of the whole Igayaza synclinorium in relation to the whole of the karagwe – Ankolean rocks include in a chapter of regional synthesis. The report consists of six chapters with different aspects.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere University.en_US
dc.subjectGeologic mapping.en_US
dc.subjectArenaceous formations.en_US
dc.subjectArgillaceous formations.en_US
dc.titleProject Report about Geologic Mapping carried out in Igayaza, Isingiro District, Western Uganda.en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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