Now showing items 309-328 of 773

      Imagery in selected Ganda riddles. [1]
      Imagery in selected Ganda tongue twisters [1]
      The imagery in selected Lango proverbs. [1]
      Imagery in selected Lubaale Buganda songs [1]
      Imagery in selected Luganda Folktales. [1]
      Imagery in selected Luganda proverbs on marriage [1]
      Imagery in selected Lugwere riddles [1]
      Imagery in the Ganda marriage Folk Songs [1]
      Imagery in the Lumasaba riddles [1]
      Imagery in the proverbs on child upbringing among the Banyankore of Western Uganda [1]
      Imagery in the selected Acholi riddles. [1]
      Imagery in the selected Ganda proverbs. [1]
      The images of men and women in Runyankole proverbs [1]
      Images of women and gender roles in Ankole proverbs. [1]
      The impact of Adult literacy programs to urban refugee communities:a case study of English for Adults (EFA) program at refugee Law project. [1]
      The impact of Antenatal attendance on the prevalence of Malaria among expectant mothers of Nawanyago Health centre III Kamuli District - Uganda.DA [1]
      The impact of continuous assessment on students' performance in UCE Biology in the central region, Uganda [1]
      The impact of coursework, peer assessment, tests and Online quizzes on Makerere University Education students' attitude towards curriculum course units.. [1]
      The impact of COVID-19 on the E-learning of sciences in Uganda [1]
      Impact of domestic violence on young women’s mental health in Uganda: a case Study of Kawempe Division in Kampala District [1]