Now showing items 460-479 of 775

      Mchango ya midahalo katika ufundishaji wa lugha ya Kiswahili [1]
      Meaning construction of the Rastafarian community of Gaza, Mafubira, Jinja District [1]
      Menstrual management, health and hygiene interventions on the academic performance of girl child at ordinary level in Nsangi sub-county. [1]
      Metaphor and meaning in selected Runyankore proverbs. [1]
      Metaphor in selected Luganda fables as retold by the contemporary Baganda [1]
      Metaphor in selected Runyankole Riddles [1]
      Metaphors in Baganda proverbs. Case study of forty selected proverbs [1]
      Metaphors in Lango Proverbs [1]
      Metaphors in selected jopadhola riddles. [1]
      Methods for community education of the Parish Development Model in Kamwokya, Kampala Central. [1]
      Microbial safety of smoked fish sold in local markets. a case study of Kaleerwe and Busega markets, Kampala Distirct. [1]
      Mifumo ya madhari na dhamira katika riwaya za Kinyankole na kisahili. [1]
      Mikondo ya maudhui kwenye tamthilia teule za Kiswahili zenye mandhari ya ukoloni [1]
      Mikondo ya maudhui na mafunzo katika ngano za Kiswahili na kinyankole [1]
      Motivation and employee performance in Governments: A case study of Buyende District Local Government [1]
      Motivation into episodic volunteer ships amongst youth in Namayingo district :a case of youthful village Health team in Nambugu Parish. [1]
      Mpororo prototype. [1]
      Mtindo kama unavyojidhihirisha katika tamthilia ya mkwamo [1]
      Muvubuka [1]
      Nafasi ya tamathaliza usemi katika mziki. [1]