Now showing items 1435-1454 of 2142

      The place and value of imagery of proverbs : a study of selected proverbs of the Acholi [1]
      The place and value of verbal art in the use of proverbs: a case study of selected Kupsabiny proverbs [1]
      Plagiarism, motivation and academic performance among students of third year Bachelors of Industrial and Organizational Psychology [1]
      Plagiarism, motivation and performance of third year students Industrial and Organization Psychology of Makerere University. [1]
      Plagiarism, students' motivation and students' performance among Makerere University students third year BIOP [1]
      Plagiarism, students’ motivation and students’ performance among IOP 3 students at Makerere University [1]
      Playwriting for the Ugandan theater audience: opportunities and challenges [1]
      The plight of trafficked children [1]
      Poetic verses. [1]
      Political sophistication and uncivil behavior among youths in the Central Region of Uganda [1]
      The portrayal of child characters in Luganda folktales [1]
      Post disclosure experiences of perinatally infected children living with HIV in Masindi Municipality main hosipital [1]
      Post-traumatic stress disorder, intimate partner violence and depression among urban refugees [2]
      Postponement of sex and sexual pleasure among Makerere students: case study of Makerere University Kampala [1]
      Poverty and child labour among slum dwellers in Nakulabye parish, Kampala district. [1]
      Poverty beliefs and business performance among women in business in Wandegeya Market [1]
      Poverty, domestic violence and high mortality rate among married people living in Katanga [1]
      The pre and post diagnostic behaviors and the necessary interventions among adults living with HIV in Kampala District [1]
      The precious mountain erupts [1]
      Pregnancy-related anxiety, social support and relationship satisfaction among sexually active university students [1]