Now showing items 171-190 of 497

      Development of flavored amaranth juice [1]
      Development of maize cob based biochar filter for water purification [1]
      Diversity and Utilization of Climbers In a Semi-Deciduous Tropical Rain Forest of Mpanga Central Forest Reserve [1]
      Diversity of storage insect pests of maize along the maize value chain in three districts of West Nile agro-ecological zone [1]
      Diversity of Visitors and Activities at the Source of the Nile, Jinja [1]
      Drought monitoring using satellite products and in-situ data as new decision support systems in Uganda [1]
      Drought tolerant maize response to mineral fertilizer application on ferralsols of Bamba, Kiteezi [1]
      The economics of cassava processing and marketing in Bwijanga Sub County, Albertine Region [1]
      The economics of fish marketing: A case of landing sites in Mpigi Districts and fish markets in Kampala District [1]
      The economics of honey production in Vurra Sub County Arua District [1]
      Ecotourism potential of Busitema Forest Reserve [1]
      Ecotourism potential of Kagoma forest, Kyenjojo District [1]
      Effect of blackoff, biopesticide on field infestation of sweetpotato by Sweetpotato weevil [1]
      Effect of Cow Manure and Inorganic Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Kale (Brassica Oleraceae Var. Acephala D.C) In Manafwa District, Eastern Uganda [1]
      Effect of crop oil concentrate as a surfactant in herbicide application [2]
      Effect of Dalgine active seaweed extract (Ascophyllum Nodosum) on the performance of cabbage (Brassica Oleraceae sp. Capitata var. Gloria) in Uganda [1]
      Effect of defatting,solvent,solvent concentration,sonication time and processing method on total flavonoids and total carotenoids content of Ruspolia differens [1]
      Effect of Different Levels of Biochar, Cattle Manure and NPK Fertilizer Combinations on Maize Yields in Bbamba-Kiteezi Wakiso District [1]
      The effect of different nitrogen supplements on the colonization of button mushroom (Agaricus blazei) [1]
      Effect of different processing technologies on the nutrient composition and physicochemical properties of Moringa Oleifera leaf powder [1]