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dc.contributor.authorALOTI, BECKY ANGELLA
dc.description.abstractThis report consists of five chapters i.e. Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Presentation of findings and Conclusion and recommendations. The first two chapters were largely informed by document review on the related studies which helped in identifying gaps in the works of previous scholars that this study tried to fill. The third chapter (methodology) shows how the study findings were achieved from the respondents, in chapter four, the study findings are presented, discussed and interpreted and then chapter five, conclusions and recommendations are made. In the course of this study especially during data gathering, I was able to observe certain key aspects such as farming is a major source of livelihood for many rural households. Many of these households are at the risk of being food insecure as they practice rain fed agriculture which is not so reliable and they also indulge less in alternative income activities which would have otherwise supplemented agriculture for household food needs, etc. I also noticed that the households using NaSARRI‘s improved crop varieties were better off than the other households in terms of; household nutrition, diet diversity and are at less risk of being food insecure. Majority of them attributed their use of the improved crop varieties to being knowledgeable about their performance and group dynamics which makes it easier for them to access the technologies through pooling resources. Very few challenges were encountered during the study and most of which were resolved effectively. However I argue NaSARRI to upscale her activities such that it is not only people in the target community but the entire country.en_US
dc.titleContributions of National Agricultural Semi-Arid Resources Research Institute (NaSARRI) in addressing IN ADDRESSING HOUSEHOLD FOOD INSECURITY IN AMWOMA SUB-COUNTY, DOKOLO DISTRICTen_US
dc.typeThesis/Dissertation (Undergraduate)en_US

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