Now showing items 1641-1660 of 2029

      Impact of savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs) interest rate on the performance of SMEs in Uganda: a case study of Kaleerwe town [1]
      The impact of savings and credit cooperatives (Saccos) on women’s livelihoods in Kampala district [1]
      Impact of sexual harassment on academic performance of student. A case study of Makerere University [1]
      Impact of short-term loans on small and medium sized enterprises in Uganda: a case study of Kalerwe market in Kawempe division [1]
      The impact of smart phone use on academic performance, a case study of school of statistics and planning, Makerere University [1]
      Impact of social media marketing on business performance: A case study of restaurant and hotel businesses around Makerere University [1]
      The impact of student volunteering on the level of unemployment in Uganda: case study Makerere University undergraduates [1]
      The Impact of Sugar Cane Growing on School Dropout: Case Study - Kakira Sub County, Jinja District [1]
      Impact of tax evasion and avoidance on Uganda’s economy. A case study of Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) [1]
      Impact of Tax on Performance of Small Medium Enterprises in Uganda: Case Study of Mulago Washing Bay [1]
      The impact of taxation on the performance of small scale business enterprises in Uganda: a case of Bwaise town council [1]
      Impact of taxes on performance of small scale business enterprises in central Uganda [1]
      Impact of tea production on Uganda’s economy for the years 1980-2018 [1]
      The impact of technology integration on the academic performance of university students [1]
      Impact of the COVID-19 lockdowns on the prevalence of domestic violence in Uganda: A case study of Kampala district [1]
      Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on domestic violence in Uganda: a case of Kampala [1]
      The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the level of savings of students in Makerere University. A case study of Third-Year BsQE AND BStat students [1]
      The impact of total quality management on organizational performance: a case study of Uganda electricity transmission company limited [1]
      The Impact of Value Chain Finance on Agriculture Productivity in Uganda: Case Study of Kaliro Sugar Cane Outgrowers Association [1]
      Impact of workers’ compensation insurance on job satisfaction a case study of Britania Allied Industries [1]