Now showing items 1751-1770 of 2029

      A model that provides medical cover to policy holders when they reach the retirement age [1]
      A model to design a micro pension product for market vendors in Uganda with retirement benefits paid in annuity form [1]
      A model to design a micro-pension product with a temporary annuity for small scale farmers in Uganda [1]
      A model to design a term life assurance product for sportsmen and women upon diagnosis of critical illness and death [1]
      A model to design and price a credit life insurance product with additional benefits provided in form of a term life policy [1]
      A model to design and price a family protection product with hospital cash rider [1]
      A model to design and price a health insurance plan for motorcycle riders [2]
      A model to design and price a micro insurance life product with medical cover. [1]
      A model to design and price a Microlife insurance product for boda-boda motorists [1]
      A model to design and price a unit linked endowment assurance product for a person upon losing their job [1]
      A model to design and price a unit linked micro life product for domestic house workers (housemaids) [1]
      A model to design and price a unit linked “entandikwa plan” life product for students in tertiary institutions [1]
      A model to design and price an endowment assurance product with hospital cash and retrenchment riders [1]
      A model to design and price an endowment assurance product with maturity benefits paid in annuity form [1]
      A model to design and price an income protection product on diagnosis of critical illnesses and disability [1]
      A model to design and price an income protection product on diagnosis of permanent disability and critical illness [1]
      A model to design and price money back plan product that will guarantee payment either on maturity of the policy or death of the policyholder within the term of the policy [1]
      Motivation and employee performance: a case study of COBAMS, Makerere University [1]
      Motivation for vocational education and training choice, a case of Rukungiri municipality [1]
      Motivation, employee engagement and work performance among the lecturers of Makerere University at the College of Business and Management Sciences (COBAMs) [1]