Now showing items 165-184 of 451

      The Effects of Illicit Drug and Substance Abuse on the Socio-Economic Wellbeing of families with Drug Abusers in Nansana [1]
      Effects of refugee settlement on the livelihood of the women: A case of Rhino Camp, Arua District, Northern Uganda [1]
      Effects of sexual and gender based violence on the livelihoods of refugee women in Uganda: A case of Palabek Refugee Settlement, Lamwo District [1]
      Effects of sexual harassment on the academic performance of female students at Makerere University [1]
      The effects of stress on university students [1]
      Effects of substance abuse on the behaviour of youths in Nabumali Town Council, Mbale District [1]
      Effects of the Coronavirus pandemic on the elderly that own small businesses in Kanyanya Village [1]
      Emotional challenges of learners and teachers’ ability to detect and support affected children [1]
      Examination malpractice among university students, Aa case study of Makerere University in the shadows of COVID-19 [1]
      Examining in-school and out-of-school factors for poor performance of pupils in UPE schools in Wakiso District [1]
      Examining stigma and coping mechanisms among adolescents living with HIV in Bundibugyo Town Council, Bundibugyo District. [1]
      Examining stigma and coping mechanisms among adolescents living with HIV in Bundibugyo town council, Bundibugyo district. [1]
      Examining the contribution Of Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLAS) on women’s livelihood and income: a case of Pandwong Division, Kitgum District [1]
      Examining the household benefits of the senior citizens’ grant (SCG) [1]
      Examining the implementation process of the youth livelihood program in Kawempe division, Kampala District [1]
      Exclusive breastfeeding by adolescent mothers: A case study of Mukono Municipality [1]
      Experience and perceived cause of depressive symptoms among young people during the COVID-19 lockdown: a case of Makerere University students [1]
      Experience of drug use among undergraduate students of Social Sciences at Makerere University [1]
      Experience of resilience among women living with HIV/AIDs in Katuna Town Council Kabale District [1]
      Experience of violence by married women during COVID-19 in Nansana municipality, Wakiso district [1]