Now showing items 686-705 of 982

      Investigating the effect of axle loads on the progression of potholing on bituminous road pavements in Uganda [1]
      Investigating the Effect of Bituminous Pavement Roughness on New Vehicle Parts Consumption [1]
      Investigating the effect of cost of building on housing development in informal settlements. [1]
      Investigating the effect of drainage O paved road deterioration [1]
      Investigating the effect of enforcing occupational health and safety requirements on the time scope of construction projects [1]
      Investigating the effect of excessive variations to the time performance of road construction projects in Uganda [1]
      Investigating the effect of horizontal road curvature on gravel loss of unpaved roads in Uganda (a case of Wakiso district) [1]
      Investigating the effect of improper design of septic tanks on construction costs [1]
      Investigating the effect of location of bus bay provisions on traffic flow in Kampala [1]
      Investigating the effect of materials quality control on defects in buildings in Kampala. [1]
      Investigating the effect of particle size distribution and particle density of soil on the compressive strength of ISSB (Interlocking Stabilized Soil Block). [1]
      Investigating the effect of pavement distresses on traffic road safety in Kampala. [1]
      Investigating the effect of pavement structural deterioration (cracking) on the surface of a bituminous pavement surface in Kampala [1]
      Investigating the effect of procurement procedures on performance of construction projects in Uganda. [1]
      Investigating the effect of road gradient constraints on Vehicle Operating Costs in Uganda [1]
      Investigating the Effect of Road Gradient on Accident Occurence at Signalised Junctions in Kampala [1]
      Investigating the effect of seasonal variations and drainage on structural numbers of bituminous pavements [1]
      Investigating the effect of selected volume batching means on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete [1]
      Investigating the effect of sewage sludge in making bricks in the construction industry of Uganda. [1]
      Investigating the effect of speed calming devices (or speed humps and rumble strips) on highways pavement condition in Kampala. [1]