Now showing items 569-588 of 703

      A study of sound devices in riddles, A case study of selected riddles of the Bamasaba [1]
      The study of sound devices in selected Jopadhola riddles [1]
      The study of sound devices in selected Jopadhola riddles. [1]
      A study of symbolism and hyperbole in use of proverbs: a case study of selected Ateso proverbs [1]
      The study of symbolism in Ankole marriage songs. [1]
      The study of symbolism in Baganda folktales [1]
      A Study of symbolism in Ganda proverbs. [1]
      A study of symbolism in selected Runyankole fables [1]
      A study of the effectiveness of symbolism in selected Kifumbira proverbs [1]
      A study of the place and value of figures of speech in tne use of proverbs. A case study of selected proverbs of the Basoga. [1]
      A Study of the significance of symbolism in fables: the case of selected fables of the sabiny. [1]
      Style and the theme of hardwork in selected soga proverbs. [1]
      Stylistic analysis in selected Soga proverbs. [1]
      A stylistic analysis of proverbial expression of proverbs. A study of the proverbs that concern the theme of love and friendship of the Basoga [1]
      Stylistic devices in selected Paul Kafeero's songs [1]
      A stylistic study of proverbs in Gishu (Lumasaba). [1]
      Sujet: l’augmentation de la déperdition scolaire postpandemique dans le village de Nyamarebe [1]
      Suspense in Luganda folktales [1]
      Symbolism and the concept of work in selected Iteso proverbs [1]
      Symbolism and the theme of hard work in Kinyankore proverbs [1]