Now showing items 67-86 of 704

      Changamoto za mwanamke kama kiongozi katika tamthilia ya kilio cha haki (1981) na Mama ee (1987). [1]
      Changamoto za ukombozi wa wanyonge katika tamthiliya ya Kilio cha Haki [1]
      Change in the performance strategies of Iteso Folktales. [1]
      Changing faces in the performance of Sabiny initiation songs among the Sabiny of Uganda. [1]
      The changing patterns in story telling in Bugisu society [1]
      Chanzo cha makosa ya kitahajia katika uandishi wa insha za Kiswahili miongoni mwa insha za wanafunzi wa shule za upili wakidato cha tatu na nne wilayani Kaseses. [1]
      Characterisation in Bakonzo riddles [1]
      Characterisation in Ganda fables [1]
      Characterisation in selected Ganda folktales. [1]
      Characterization and presentation of morality in Kyinyankore folktales about child –upbringing. [1]
      Characterization in Lumasaaba folktales [1]
      Child marriages in central Uganda: The lived experiences of women married as children in Kamira village, Kamira sub-county, Luweero District. [1]
      Child upbringing [1]
      Choice of words in Luganda proverbs [1]
      Class Struggles as reflected In Selected Banyoro Folk Songs [1]
      Communication strategies of D'Hook Radio Show [1]
      Comparative evaluation of thermal performance of solar box cookers [1]
      Construction of a Galiliaen Telescope [1]
      The contribution of characters in folktales to the cognitive development of the Lango children in the Northern part of Uganda. [1]
      The contribution of community education in facilitating behavioral change towards use of contraceptives among men and women: A case study of Muwunami camp, Nakasongola District. [1]