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dc.contributor.authorBirungi, Dorothy
dc.identifier.citationInvestigating The Cause Of Birungi, D. (2019). The Mismatch Between The Planned and Implemented Road Infrastructure : A case study of Kooki Ward, Lyantonde Town Council. Unpublished undergraduate dissertation. Makerere University: Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the department of Architecture and Physical Planning in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study is concerned with investigating and identifying the gaps that lead to failure of implementation of physical development plans hence causing a mismatch between the planned and implemented road infrastructure The general objective of the study was to investigate the cause of the failure of the opened roads to follow the Physical Plan of Kooki ward in Lyantonde town council. The specific objectives included; identify the roads that comply with the plan and those that do not; finding out why some roads comply with the plan and others do not; proposing appropriate strategies for roads to be implemented following the detailed plan Layout for Kooki Ward. The researcher collected data from 33 respondents of whom 10 were purposively selected and 23 were randomly selected from Kooki ward. Data was collected using a combination of in-depth interviews and questionnaires as well as analysis of secondary data sources. The study concludes that physical planning carries little significance in the area of study to both the planning authority and the community which has hindered implementation of the roads as per the approved lay out plan for Kooki ward in Lyantonde Town Council. Consequently, politicians have utilized the weakness in the planning system to influence development as regards implementation of roads for their personal credits towards their voters to enable them ascertain more support in future. The enforcement structure of Lyantonde Town Council is also weak comprising of only one technical personnel who cannot effectively enforce compliance of the layout plan. The study recommends that the planning authority should register all land in the area of study; ensure that all stakeholders are involved in planning at an early stage to agree on the road network within their area. In addition, there should be massive sensitization about the value benefits of the roads in their area to reduce compensation costs for access roads leading to individual plots. The planning authority should come up with strategies of linking technocrats and stakeholders who are the beneficiaries.en_US
dc.subjectMismatch between Planned and Implemented Road Infrastructureen_US
dc.titleInvestigating The Cause Of The Mismatch Between The Planned and Implemented Road Infrastructure : A case study of Kooki Ward, Lyantonde Town Council.en_US

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