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dc.contributor.authorOpio, Keneth
dc.identifier.citationOpio, K. (2019). Assessment of need for “ALL –TRAFFIC’’ road network system in Kampala city, Case study of Ntinda ward. Unpublished undergraduate dissertation. Makerere University: Kampala Uganda.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study was conducted in Ntinda ward with in Nakawa division, Kampala city . The study discussed the importance of road infrastructures to various road users for example motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. According to the study, about 60% of the respondents said that inadequacy in road infrastructures have resulted into non-user friendly roads in Ntinda ward. Furthermore non-user friendly roads are caused by increased number of vehicles , limited space , potholes , worn out walkways ,damaged open drainage channels ,damaged road signage . The study covered five chapters, where chapter one looked introduction of the study, background, problem statement , objectives , research question ,geographical , scope and significance ,chapter two looked at literature review where it involved topics like transport infrastructure and urban mobility, people perception of road infrastructures surface condition , fair allocation of space for road infrastructure among competing users and different road infrastructures , The chapter three focused on the targeted population, sample size, sample methods , techniques, pre field activities, data collection methods ,data analysis , challenges faced by researchers and solutions The research methods in this study were influenced largely by the nature of the study, chapter four focused on presentation and discussion of the research findings such as road infrastructures , people who used the road at night ,age , gender, different categories users , usage of the road, attractive and comfort , safety and security , maintenance and quality of construction materials and finally chapter five that involved conclusions and recommendations.en_US
dc.subjectAssessment of need for “ALL –TRAFFIC’’en_US
dc.subjectRoad network systemen_US
dc.titleAssessment of need for “ALL –TRAFFIC’’ road network system in Kampala city, Case study of Ntinda ward.en_US

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