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dc.contributor.authorAketch, Claire
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the department of social work and social administration, school of social sciences in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the bachelor’s degree in social work and social administration at Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed at assessing the contribution of SACCOs in promoting the livelihood security of women using the case of Lira Urban Transporters SACCO. Its specific objectives were;(i) To profile the activities undertaken by Lira Urban Transporters SACCOs in promoting empowerment of women beneficiaries,(ii)To examine the contributions of SACCOs towards asset accumulation of the women in household and housing,(iii)To examine the contribution of SACCOs towards women’s resilience and risk management in households basing on the fact that Cooperatives have been identifies as the major driver of economic, social and political empowerment of women especially those taking part in IGA as well as small businesses. The research was mainly quantitative, however the researcher also chose to us qualitative method for reasons of complementarity. Data from the study was collected using interviews, questionnaires and focus group discussions. A sample of 57 respondents were contacted of which the researcher interviewed 5 key informants, administered questionnaires to 50 respondents, and held 2 focus group discussions of 6 to 8 people in Lira Central Division. The research findings revealed that SACCOs are believed to be helping the women greatly in providing for their families and thus promoting their livelihood security. It showed that many women have stated joining SACCOs to boost their businesses and save their profits. From the SACCOs the women are able to get loans with little or even no collateral something that they could not easily access before joining the SACCO. Many of these women were able to obtain new assets from the money they borrow while others used this loan to invest in income generating activities. This has greatly improved the status of women since they are able to do the same things that men are doing through getting loans. However the research also found out that some women still have a negative attitude towards SACCOs as they say that some of those in the groups have not attained anything tangible so they argue that there is no need for joining the SACCO so they don’t bother joining the SACCO .The study recommended that more knowledge about the importance of SACCOs should be given to the women so that majority can join the SACCO and expand on their businesses so as to maximize profits.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectLira central divisionen_US
dc.subjectLira cityen_US
dc.titleThe contribution of Saccos in promoting the livelihood security of women. A case of lira urban transporters Sacco, central division in lira cityen_US

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