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dc.contributor.authorNabasumba, Joan
dc.identifier.citationNabasumba, J. (2021). The impact of e-banking on customer retention in commercial banks of Uganda: a case study Centenary Bank. Unpublished undergraduate dissertation. Makerere University, Kampala, Ugandaen_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the School of Statistics and Planning in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the award of the Bachelor’s degree in Statistics of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study sought to explain the impact of e-banking on customer retention in commercial banks of Uganda with a case study of centenary bank Uganda. The study was guided by three specific objectives which were; e-banking practices used, that influence customer retention at centenary bank, challenges faced practicing e-banking to ensure customer retention at centenary bank and the strategies that can be adopted in e-banking to ensure customer retention at centenary bank Uganda. The study used cross sectional survey design with cross sectional survey design with quantitative approaches. The study used a questionnaire in data collection and data was analyzed to obtain descriptive statistics in form of percentages and frequencies. Findings revealed that the bank has adequate ATMs across the country that are very efficient and this has helped to ensure customer retention at centenary bank, when the bank has an efficient and reliable electronic funds transfers system, there will be improved client royalty and reference levels e-banking practices are very efficient in allowing transactions from one account to another and this influences the level of customer loyalty in this bank and that the bank uses its e-banking platforms to take loan applications. This influences the level client loyalty and levels of references. There is failure to embrace full advantage of new technology opportunities that affect client royalties, clients fear the risks connected with procedures for transactions over the Internet. In this bank clients are concerned about content confidentiality, integrity and authentication of the bank systems and this affects clients’ royalty and referral processes. It was however suggested that there is need to ease on the layout of website so as to facilitate the customers to assess the information easily, to use and access it so as to be retained and to continue using the banks services. It was therefore concluded that the bank has in place, e-banking practices including ATMs across the country, presence of an efficient and reliable electronic funds transfers system and internet banking sites, though it doesn’t have reliable and effective telephone banking system and has a poor debit cards system. The major challenge however, is clients having less knowledge on internet usage to facilitate e-banking. It was therefore recommended that intensive sensitization of clients on e-banking, improve telephone banking and consult customers before introducing any e-banking systems.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectCentenary Banken_US
dc.subjectCustomer retentionen_US
dc.subjectE-banking systemsen_US
dc.titleThe impact of e-banking on customer retention in commercial banks of Uganda: a case study of Centenary Banken_US

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