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dc.contributor.authorKatenga, Victoria
dc.identifier.citationKatenga, V. (2017). Factors affecting pineapple production and its effects in Ntungamo district (Unpublished undergraduate dissertation). Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA research project submitted to the School of Statistics and Planning in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Statistics Degree of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn an effort to determine factors that influence pineapple production, a descriptive study was conducted using a questionnaire administered to randomly selected sample of 140 smallholder farmers from Itojo Sub-county. Descriptive statistics, correlation tests, ANOVA and multiple linear regression were used to analyze data. From the study findings, pineapple production highly deepened on the age of the farmer (p-value= 0.03). The study revealed that one year increase in the age of the farmer would increase the level of production by almost 21%. Holding other factors constant, a unit increase in the farm size would increase the level of pineapple production by 88%, increasing the family size by one member would lead to 43% increase in the level of production. A switch from a male headed household to a female headed would reduce the level of pineapple production by nearly 43%. Lack of access to extension services and fail to mulch pineapple both reduced the level of production by 2.6% and 11% respectively. Based on results of analysis, it is deemed imperative that in an effort to increase pineapple production in Ntungamo, a number of coordinated measures ought to be considered including: - Farmers should make it an aim to have all their pineapple gardens mulched as this keeps soil moisture and increases soil fertile which leads to high level of production. The government needs to intervene and increase the access to extension service by the farmers in the study area. This will equip farmers with modern farming knowledge which can boost production levels, and finally, farmers need to increase the area under cultivation with pineapple production, also increase the labour inputs in order to increase production. More precisely, farmers need to expand their production activities in order to increase pineapple yield.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectPineapple productionen_US
dc.titleFactors affecting pineapple production and its effects in Ntungamo districten_US

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