Now showing items 1135-1154 of 2092

      Effects of wetland reclamation on the socio-economic welfare of the households around Lubigi wetland [1]
      Effects of wild animals on household food security in areas around Bwindi Impenetrable National Park Kanungu district Uganda [1]
      Effects of Wildlife Crop Raiding on Livelihoods of People Adjacent to Kachung Forest Reserve, Dokolo District [1]
      Efficacy of aqueous extracts of neem, garlic and chili pepper fruit against diamondback moth, cabbage aphid and cabbage looper [1]
      Efficacy of citrus essential oils for the control of anopheles Gambiae larvae [1]
      Efficacy of different fungicides against tomato late blight disease [1]
      Efficacy of extracts of neem and hot pepper in controlling cabbage pests [1]
      The Efficacy of Flubendaimide Insecticide Formulation on the Fall Armyworm [1]
      Efficacy Of Glyphosate And Nicosulfuron Herbicides And Their Effect On Growth And Yield Of Soybean (Glycine Max L.) [1]
      Efficacy of human-animal shared drinking water sources in Nakasongola district [1]
      Efficacy of insecticides from different chemical groups for control of soybean insect pests [1]
      Efficacy of naturally occurring kaolin and sulfur in the management of tomato insect pests and fungal diseases [1]
      Efficacy of novel pesticides in the management of common tomato insect pests in central Uganda [1]
      Efficacy of selected fungicides in management of soybean rust [1]
      Efficacy of Selected Fungicides in Management of Tomato Fungal Diseases [1]
      Efficacy of selected insecticides against common soybean insect pests [1]
      Efficacy of selected pesticides in the control of soybean rust and insect pests [1]
      Efficacy of the local drinking water purifiers: case study [of] Wakiso District [1]
      Efficancy of a combination of flupyradifurone and deltametrin insecticide formulation against insect pests of tomatoes [1]
      Efficiency and sustainability of non-farm activities on agricultural production in Kalagala Kanamunungu village, Luwero district [1]