Now showing items 1625-1644 of 2093

      Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices regarding consumption of local nutritious foods among Makerere University Students. [1]
      Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices regarding iron and Folic acid Supplementation among pregnant women attending Antenatal care clinics in Kira Municipality health centers [1]
      Knowledge, perception, and switching options for small scale rice farmers when adopting the wetland use policy [1]
      Lake shore conservation status on Lake Nyungu In Rubirizi District [1]
      Land Suitability Assessment for Sugarcane Cultivation using a GIS-Based Multi-criteria Approach [1]
      Land suitability evaluation for maize in Alakara mixed farm, Kaberamaido district, Eastern Uganda. [1]
      Land use and land cover patterns within and around Okole wetland ecosystem in Railway Division, Lira City East [1]
      Land use and soil conservation practices used by farmers in Suam sub county, Bukwo district. [1]
      Landuse/cover changes and the perceived impacts on the ecosystem goods obtained from Budhumbuli wetland, Jinja City [1]
      Large scale land acquisition and effects on rural livelihoods; ‘A case of oil exploration districts of Buliisa and Hoima in Uganda [1]
      Legume based intercropping and its effect on selected soil macrofaunal populations and maize yield [1]
      The level of adoption of agroforestry in Mafubira Sub-County Jinja District [1]
      Level of awareness on obesity, its causes and preventive practices among Makerere University lecturers, Kampala [1]
      Level of climate change awareness among youths in Mityana District [1]
      Level of infestation and yield of different varieties of white cabbage to field pest attack [1]
      Level of local community participation in collaborative forest management in Mabira Central Forest Reserve, Buikwe district [1]
      Levels and sources of noise pollution in Kawempe division in Kampala district [1]
      Lifecycle Assessment of the fruit and vegetable waste treatment technologies in Uganda. [1]
      Lifestyle practices and cardiovascular diseases risk: a case study of young adults between 18-30 years in Mulago-Katale Village [1]
      Linkage between food safety and food security in different households in Katukura village, Kabale District [1]