Now showing items 1874-1893 of 2092

      Relationship between physical activity and its level of awareness with health benefits among Makerere University students [1]
      The relationship between staff training and service delivery in Chobe Safari Lodge [1]
      The relationship between visitor satisfaction and return visits [1]
      The relevance of meteorological data in the fight of radiation related diseases in Uganda [1]
      Resistance of different tomato varieties to bacterial wilt [1]
      Response of commercial soybean varieties to foliar and pre-planting fertilisers [1]
      Response of cowpea (vigna unguiculata) under varying rates of phosphorus in tropical soils. [1]
      Response of growth and yield components of sweet pepper to different phosphorus application rates under screen house conditions in Wakiso district [1]
      Response of Spinach to Nitrogen from Different Nitrogen Sources [1]
      Reversion from Sweet potato feathery mottle virus in bi-parental population of Naspot 11 and Beauregard [1]
      Reversion from Sweet potato feathery mottle virus in bi-parental population of new kawogo and Beauregard [1]
      Rice yellow mottle virus disease resistance among diverse rice genotypes [1]
      Risk Factors Associated with Childhood Overweight and Obesity among Urban School Children Aged between 8-13 years in Kampala [1]
      The role of agricultural extension services in ensuring food security: A case study of plantain farmers in Nyakaina village- Ntungamo district [1]
      The Role of Agroforestry Practices in Increasing Farmer’s Resilience to Climate Change in Kyabigambire Sub-County, Hoima District [1]
      The role of Buganda Royal Burial grounds in promoting tourism in Uganda [1]
      Role of climate change in exarcebating gender based violence in Teso region [1]
      The role of climate smart agriculture on climate risk management in Nakaseke District [1]
      The role of District Forestry Services in the management and use of forest resources in Luwero District [1]
      The role of Entebbe botanical garden in scientific research and contribution to conservation of biodiversity [1]