Now showing items 1993-2012 of 2092

      A study of water-based tourism in Ivunamba, Jinja district. [1]
      A study of Wild and Semi-Wild Edible Plants Used by the Ethur Community of Abim District in Karamoja Sub-region. [1]
      A study on maize production and profitability in Buhimba Sub-County Hoima District [1]
      A study on the poultry value chain in Kamuli district, Uganda. [1]
      A study to examine fertilizer use knowledge and the effect of fertilizer use on maize productivity in Lugazi municipality , Buikwe district in Uganda . [1]
      Stunting among children aged 6-59 months in Fort-Portal Municipality, Kabarole District. Uganda [1]
      Suitability analysis of ecotourism sector in Buggala Island, Kalangala District [1]
      Suitability Assessment of Arable land use for Greengram Production at Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute [1]
      Suitability of arable soils for maize (Zea mays l) and cassava (Manihot esculenta) production [1]
      Suitability of sawdust as a dewatering material in sludge drying beds [1]
      A survey of stakeholders promoting Uganda's Sports Tourism potential [1]
      Susceptibility of Eucalyptus grandis and selected E. Grandis x E. Urophylla and E. Grandis x E. Camaldulensis hybrid clones to termite damage [1]
      Sustainable extraction and characterization of avocado oil pigments from different varieties grown in Uganda [1]
      A synthesis of Hass avocado agronomy and pests management [1]
      ( Tayebwa, C 2022) The competitiveness of diversified post harvest handling of milk in Kyankwanzi district.(unpublished undergraduate dissertation) Makerere University, Kampala Uganda. [1]
      Television marketing of unhealthy foods and food choice amongst primary school-age children in Kampala [1]
      Termite occurrence and damage on eucalyptus trees in Nangendo Village Mafudu SubCounty in Sironko District in Uganda [1]
      Testing the performance of a decker refractance window food dryer [1]
      Testing the performance of a twenty-five litre capacity fruit pulper [1]
      Testing the Refractance window dryer with different sources of Biomass energy using sweet potatoes. [1]