Now showing items 598-617 of 2093

      A comparative performance analysis on energy efficiency and emissions of fuel briquettes made from fecal sludge blended with other biomass materials [1]
      Comparative performance assessment of micro-rain spray, over-head sprinkler and drip irrigation systems at Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute Kabanyolo [1]
      Comparative study of different soilless planting media on tomato seedling growth [1]
      A comparative study of the nutritional quality of fast foods from three restaurants in Kampala city [1]
      Comparative study of the performance of rice husk bio char to sand filters in water treatment [1]
      A comparative study of the physico-chemical and microbiological quality of two bottled water brands in Kampala [1]
      Comparing PERSIANN and African rainfall climatology satellite products with the ground observation [1]
      Comparing regeneration in forests with contrasting logging histories in Kibale National Park, Uganda [1]
      Comparing sawing efficiency of framed and freehand chainsaw milling in Uganda [1]
      Comparing species diversity and composition of woody recruits under Terminalia A Superba and Markhamia Lutea in Kyampisi Central Forest Reserve, Mubende District [1]
      Comparing the effectiveness of constructed wetlands with municipal wastewater treatment plant. [1]
      Comparing the effluent from Mbarara referral hospital sewage treatment plant with the national standards for effluent discharge into the environment [1]
      Comparing the performance of Pinus caribaea seedlings Mycorrhiza mixed in rooting media and Mycorrhiza top dressing [1]
      A Comparison of Agricultural Labour Productivity of Maize, Beans and Matooke in Uganda [1]
      Comparison of characteristics of broiler chicken farms using pelleted or mash feed forms in Kira Municipality, in Wakiso district [1]
      Comparison of chemical properties of rice husks Biochar, Bio-slurry and piggery manure to determine quality organic waste [1]
      A comparison of dietary intake among international and national students in Makerere university [1]
      A comparison of resin yield of pinus oocarpa and pinus caribaea at global woods kikonda, kyankwazi district [1]
      Comparison of seedling regeneration in eucalyptus plantation and natural forest: a case study of Nyabyeya forestry college plantations and Budongo forest reserve [1]
      A comparison of the characteristics of local chicken enterprises in female and male headed households in Busimbi sub county [1]