Now showing items 196-215 of 678

      Assessment of farmer practices used in the control of fall-army worm in Kamuli district, Eastern Uganda [1]
      Assessment of farmers' experiences on termite infestation and management in Agroforestry in Namawojjolo parish, Nama sub-county in Mukono district. [1]
      Assessment of fruit fly pest and anthracnose disease of mangoes in Koboko District [1]
      An assessment of habitat preferences of marabou storks in Makerere University campus [1]
      Assessment of health care waste management practices among medical institutions in Kampala district, Uganda [1]
      Assessment of human wildlife conflicts around Lake Mburo National Park and local communities mitigation strategies [1]
      Assessment of importance and adaptation to bamboo planting in Mukono district. [1]
      An assessment of incentives for tree planting as an approach to climate change mitigation [1]
      Assessment of land cover changes and attitudes of surrounding communities towards use of restrictive conservation approach on a sub-catchment of River Nabakazi in Mubende district [1]
      Assessment of land use change impacts on wetland hydrology and vegetation health using NDWI and NDVI respectively. A case study of Tochi Wetland, Oyam District. [1]
      Assessment of land use land cover change and water physical parameters in River Rwizi Cachment, Mbarara District [1]
      Assessment of local community’s knowledge, perceptions and attitudes on community conservation programs around Lake Mburo National Park [1]
      An assessment of maize production under different weather conditions (rainfall & temperature) in Wakiso district [1]
      Assessment of nature photography as a tool of promoting ecotourism: a case study of Queen Elizabeth National Park [1]
      Assessment of on farm trees and their contributions to household food security in Nyamweru sub-county, Rubanda district [1]
      Assessment of physio-chemical properties of water along Namatala river in Mbale town [1]
      Assessment of plastic waste management in Isingiro Town Council, Isingiro District [1]
      Assessment of plastic waste management in the reverse logistics network of Kampala District: a case study of Kawempe division [1]
      Assessment of practices, challenges and benefits of urban agriculture in Kamukuzi Division, Mbarara Municipality [1]
      Assessment of premature failure of treated wooden utility poles in service in Uganda [1]