Now showing items 533-552 of 678

      Impacts of limestone mining activities on river Atrukuku Tororo district [1]
      The impacts of paper mulberry, Broussonetia papyrifera (L) Vent on tree species regeneration and diversity in Mabira forest, central Uganda [1]
      Impacts of prolonged droughts on cattle keeping in Nakaseke District, Ngoma Subcounty [1]
      Impacts of sand mining on Komuchwezi wetland: a case study of Katente parish, Kyegegwa district [1]
      The impacts of sugar cane growing on household food security in Bulamagi Sub-county Iganga district [1]
      Implication of urbanisation on wetlands in Fortportal city, Western Uganda [1]
      Implications of drought on pastrol and agropastrol communities in Napak district Karamoja Sub_region [1]
      Implications of land use and cover changes on wetland ecosystem in Mahyoro sub county [1]
      Implications of rainfall variability on Mubuku mini hydro power dam in Kasese, Western Uganda. [1]
      Implications of stone quarrying on community livelihoods in Kigorobya sub county, Hoima district. [1]
      The Implications of sugarcane Growing on the Ecosystem of Bugoma Forest and Household Food security in Kiziranfumbi subcounty in Kikube District. [1]
      Implications of wetland degradation on community livelihoods in Lubigi upper catchment area [1]
      The influence of agricultural land use types on insect pollinators diversity and abundance in Seeta, Namuganga dub county,Mukono district [1]
      Influence of collaborative forest management activities on controlling illegal hunting in Kalinzu Forest Reserve, Bushenyi district [1]
      The influence of El-Nino Southern oscillation on the seasonal rainfall over central Uganda [1]
      Influence of government programs on agricultural production in Amolatar Town Council, Amolatar District. [1]
      The influence of land use practices on soil erosion processes in Kigezi Highlands, South Western Uganda [1]
      Influence of landscape mosaic on adaptation to climate variability and change among households in Bukinda Sub-County Rukiga District [1]
      Influence of Rainfall Characteristics on Landslide Occurrence In Bududa District, Mount Elgon Region [1]
      The influence of temperature and humidity on the escalation of influenza virus in young children in Kampala [1]