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dc.contributor.authorOlegei, William
dc.descriptionBachelors of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study set out to examine the cause effects of an as well as the relationship between office design, occupational stress and employee engagement among the administrative staff members of Makerere University. A quantitative correlational survey design was used in examining the variables between office design, occupational stress and employee engagement. A purposive developed self-administered questionnaire was administered among the total of 20 respondents who were purposely selected for the study. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to test the hypotheses and the results shown office design significantly related to occupational stress as well as employee engagement. The collected data was then analyzed using a computer program called statistical package for social sciences (SPSS).The study was based on the following objectives: To examine the relationship between office design and occupational stress, to find out the relationship between office design and employee engagement and to examine the influence of occupational stress on employee engagement at the work place. The study found out that there is a strong significant relationship between office design, occupational stress and employee engagement among administrative staff members of Makerere University The study concluded that the administrative staff are prone to occupational stress because a proper office designs not favoring their wishes and desires and as well as poor management of employees at the work place. The study recommends that mandatory measures such effective communication, proper office designs, rehabilitation programs, legislations and favorable working conditions be reinforced by government, religion institutions and non-government organizations.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectOffice designen_US
dc.subjectOccupational stressen_US
dc.subjectAdministrative staffen_US
dc.subjectEmployee Engagementen_US
dc.titleOffice design, occupational stress and employee engagement among administrative staff in Makerere Universityen_US

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