Now showing items 135-154 of 165

      Quantitative analysis of chemicals release into food cooked in polyethene bags at Uganda Industrial Research Institute [1]
      Quantitative analysis of chemicals release into food cooked in polyethylene bags at Uganda industrial research institute (UIRI) [1]
      Recovery and recycling of steam condensate [1]
      Recovery of the spent diatomaceous earth after beer filtration, Nile Breweries, Limited, Jinja [1]
      Reduction of Exhaust Steam Consumption by Vapour Bleeding at Kakira Sugar Limited [1]
      Relationship between incubation densities and the hatching rate of eggs of Catfish (clarias gariepins) [1]
      Relationship between water quality status and resuspended sediment fecal bacteriological quality in Nakivubo wetland [1]
      Removal of cadmium (II) and chromium (VI) from waste water by adsorption onto sugarcane bagasse [1]
      A report of geologic field mapping project of Semliki basin, Ntoroko District, the Albertine graben [1]
      A report of the geological findings Obtained during the study trip to Kibuku area-Ntoroko district, Karugutu-Uganda. [1]
      A report on a field study of Kibuku Area in the South and East of the L. Albert Basin in Ntoroko District, Western Uganda [1]
      Screening of flavoring agents for use in room temperature incubated yoghurt [1]
      Semiliki Basin (Albertine Graben), Karugutu Area,Ntoroko District [1]
      Semliki Basin field study [2]
      Sizing of a centrifugal pump, at crown beverages Uganda, Pepsi cola Nakawa, Kampala [1]
      Stocking density-dependent growth and survival of nile nilapia (oreochromis niloticus) in cages at son fish farm, Buikwe district [1]
      Structural and composition changes in Kisubi Forest Fragment [1]
      Students’ attitude towards Chemistry in ordinary level secondary schools in Kampala Central division, Kampala district [1]
      A study of malaria prevalence and its vector species composition among communities in Bwembe Village, Malongo Sub-County, Mayuge District [1]
      A study on the combustion properties of a castor oil-kerosene blend for cooking purposes [1]