Now showing items 21-40 of 304

      Assessment of Food Safety Knowledge, Attitudes and Self-reported practices of food handlers in a selected hotel in Kampala, Uganda. [1]
      Assessment of fruit and vegetable intake among corporate workers in Kampala city center, Kampala district [1]
      Assessment of fruit and vegetable intake among makerere university students in Kampala [1]
      Assessment of Fruit and Vegetable Intake among Makerere University Undergraduate Students [1]
      Assessment of knowledge and consumption patterns of fibre rich foods among diabetic patients aged 18 years and above at kiruddu hospital [1]
      Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of Self-Monitoring of Bood Glucose (SMBG) among diabetic patients aged 18 years and above at Kawolo Hospital Buikwe District [1]
      Assessment of Nutrition status, Nutritional knowledge and related factors among students of school of Agricultural sciences (CAES) Makerere University [1]
      Assessment of on farm milking practices leading to milk spoilage and losses in Kabonera Sub-County Masaka - District [1]
      Assessment of storage and handling of maize grains in Kisenyi and how it affects its quality [1]
      Assessment of the impact of municipal solid waste disposal on ground water quality: a case of Kiteezi landfill site. [1]
      Assessment of the knowledge, attitude and practices related to cutaneous manifestation of micronutrient deficiencies in hair, skin and nails among women aged 18-49 in greater Kampala Metropolitan Area, central Uganda [1]
      An assessment of the legume consumption patterns among Makerere University students ,Kampala, Uganda [1]
      Assessment of the nutrient recovery process from chicken droppings digestate with jackfruit waste-based biochar as an adsorbent. [1]
      Assessment of the quality and stability of cricket enriched krickies [1]
      Assessment of the water quality in Intermediary water storage tanks [1]
      Assessment of water quality in selected slums of Kampala. [1]
      Association between Intra-Household food distribution and nutritional status of children under 5 years in Abim District, Uganda [1]
      Awareness about appropriate breastfeeding practices among mothers in low income communities in Kampala district: a case of Katanga community. [1]
      (Bantu, D. J). An investigation on the use of volcanic rocks in terms of cooking fuel saving and their implication on the environment. (Unpublished undergraduate dissertation). Makerere University, Kampala Uganda. [1]
      Barriers and facilitators to weight loss among young adults aged 18-25 years undertaking weight loss programs in Makerere University [1]